Monday, 9 June 2008

An e-mail I Received from one of Maxies Dearest friends.

This captures Maxies spirit wonderfully

Dear Peter and Joan,
I've just recovered enough to send this message after watching (twice) the wonderful tribute you made to our iconic friend....the inimmitable....the sometimes exasperating....the always true....the funny.....the kind...the genorous...the marvellous reprobate Max.
I'm still gulping down tears unashamedly at the thought and care and love you put into this poingnant reminder of him.
Some people thought of Max as a fool,a foil for their superior knowledge.
I knew from the moment we met that Maxie was far from that as I' m sure you both did.
Max was a born philosopher....he didn't need books....he didn't need to be told about life and how to live it....he just did it.
Maxie had oodles of magic and charm.When he walked into the room the room smiled, sparked and lit up and you knew everything would be alright.
I could go on rambling about the old sod forever but the corner sign says it's closing time so I'll bid farewell but not before thanking you so much, so very very much

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